I am Kopal Sharma, a Data Scientist and current MS candidate in Data Science and Biostatistics at Cornell University. I earned my BTech in Data Science from NMIMS Mumbai, graduating in 2022 with a CGPA of 3.95/4, securing a coveted spot in the University’s Merit List. My analytical mindset, coupled with strong interpersonal and leadership skills, sets me apart. My mathematical and statistical background along with programming skills empowers me to translate business needs into engineering problems and craft effective solutions. In a previous role at IIT Delhi, I delved into the realm of Deep Learning Algorithms, specifically predicting intron-exon boundaries in the human genome. I’ve collaborated with esteemed organizations like Google, AIIMS, Duke University, NIH-NCI, OHSL-USA, Sapio Analytics, among others, contributing solutions for government institutions in both the USA and India. Beyond academics, I’ve championed social initiatives, serving as the Secretary of Rotaract Club of Bombay Airport during undergrad. From developing a Deep Learning algorithm for Sign Language Detection to providing value education to the underprivileged and teaching coding to young girls, my efforts have garnered attention from media channels like Times of India and 92.7 BIG FM. Currently on the lookout for opportunities in Data Science or Machine Learning, I bring a unique blend of technical expertise and a commitment to making a positive impact. Check out my Blogs: kopalsharma.com Follow my journey on Instagram: @ai.wid.kopal Let’s connect and explore the possibilities together!