Engineering Job and Internship Resources

A successful job search involves using a variety of resources and strategies. Students secure positions by:

  • participating in campus recruiting activities
  • applying for opportunities in Handshake and on company websites
  • networking with employers, alumni, and people in their field of interest

Before applying for opportunities, use the Career Development Toolkit to:

  • determine what you need and want in a position
  • identify what sets you apart from other candidates
  • understand why you would be a great fit for an organization

Research and Identify Employers of Interest

Once you have an understanding of the types of industries, organizations, and positions you wish to target, use the resources below to conduct further research and identify additional employers in your field of interest.

Job Search Module

The Job Search module in the Career Development Toolkit will help you build a foundation of understanding to begin the process. Check out the Resources section in the module to find top resources to support you in your search.

Cornell Outcomes Dashboard

Want to know what companies hire students from your major? Check out the Cornell Undergraduate Outcomes Dashboard and the Graduate Outcomes Dashboard. Cornell Career Services surveys new degree recipients for six months following graduation, and populates the Cornell Outcomes Dashboards with information including employer name, job title, location, and salary statistics. Also included is information on graduate institutions, degrees, and disciplines.

Search and Apply for Opportunities

Search and apply for positions in Handshake posted by employers seeking Cornell talent. Learn more about how to effectively use Handshake.

Entrepreneurship at Cornell is a diverse, university-wide program that finds and fosters the entrepreneurial spirit in participants from every college, every field, and in every stage of life. The team nurtures and supports each student entrepreneur’s dream of moving a great idea into a tangible start-up business through collaborative programming, business plan competitions, and other events. Interested in joining a startup? Check out available job opportunities, internships, and join the Entrepreneurship at Cornell listserv to learn more.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Program. You can search for opportunities by subject area, or by using keywords to identify sites in particular research areas or with certain features, such as a particular location. Visit Engineering Learning Initiatives for more information on undergraduate research, and additional summer research opportunities.

Search 1500+ paid research and internship opportunities in STEM. Narrow your search by level of study (e.g., first-year, sophomore, graduate student, etc.), discipline, and geographic location (region and/or state). Check out additional resources on scholarships, short-term opportunities, applying to graduate school, writing personal statements, funding graduate school, and more!

Interested in a career in biotech? Use the resources on the Biotech Careers website to learn about job areas within biotech (e.g., biofuels, biomanufacturing, biomaterials, cell culture, medical devices, medical diagnostics, etc,); view biotech employers in specific states, the U.S., or the world; apply to biotech internships; learn biotech terms; and hear from people who work in biotech companies.

ECO jobs provides access to intern and full-time opportunities in a number of environmental fields, including renewable energy, natural resources & conservation, environmental law & policy, and more. Select the ECO jobs link to view instructions on how to log in using Cornell’s account information.

Some employers in engineering, computer science, finance, and consulting have designed internship programs for first-year students. View the list of companies in the file, Internship Programs Open to First-Year Students. You must login from your Cornell email account to access the list. This is not an exhaustive list of all companies that offer these types of opportunities.

Not all employers participate in Cornell’s On-Campus Recruiting program and/or post positions in Handshake. If you are interested in an employer and they do not recruit at Cornell, visit their website and search for opportunities on their careers or jobs page. Refer to the Networking module in the Career Development Toolkit to learn tips for connecting with individuals at your companies of interest.

Many engineering professional organizations offer job boards for full-time and internship opportunities, student career resources, and national and regional conferences. Professional organizations are a great way to network with industry professionals and learn more about your chosen field. You must login from your Cornell email account to access the list. This is not an exhaustive list of all professional organizations.

Know Your Employment Rights

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission