Informational Interviews


Informational interviewing is a specific networking tool for learning firsthand about a career path, employer, industry, or other career information. It is the process of conducting exploratory conversations with those in your career network who can give you career advice and introduce you to others who can help you define your goals. Unlike a job interview, an informational interview should be a low-stress situation where you decide whom to interview, what questions to ask, and how to evaluate what you learn. Informational interviewing helps to achieve several goals:

  • Gather information to determine if a potential career or company is a good match for your skills and interests.
  • Make a lasting impression and develop long-term relationships.
  • Obtain referrals (contacts or opportunities), follow through on advice, and stay in touch.

Informational Interview: Step-by-Step

The Canvas module on Networking will help you develop your informational interviewing skills.

  1. Arrange the meeting (identify people, make contact, finalize details; see module for sample message templates to introduce yourself.)
  2. Prepare for the meeting (research the person, industry, or organization)
  3. Select questions (see the module for the list of 100+ potential questions you can customize)
  4. Conduct a successful informational interview (be attentive, take notes, respect the time, thank them)
  5. Follow up (keep in touch)